
I made the leap and decided to get LASIK eye surgery in 2012! This blog is meant for my friends, family, and others who are nervous or on the fence about having LASIK eye surgery done themselves and want to track my progress. I found that there was nothing better than hearing about and reading personal experiences from past LASIK patients when making my final decision. This is an honest account of my experience from pre-op to post-op. Feel free to share. I hope this helps those who are a little hesitant in taking the same leap that I did. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Boozy Eyes!

Just a quick experience worth noting!

Alcohol and eyes ...

Last night was Trivia Night (as every Wednesday night is with my friends) which meant alcohol was in the plenty.  I really didn't have much to drink at all (a shot of Fireball Whiskey... it was on the house, don't judge, and one beer), but I opted for alcohol over water for a change.  After our team dominated (Team: Rihanna: I'd hit that ... again, no judging), I went home and headed to bed.  I woke up twice in the middle of the night with a pair of really dry eyes (amongst crazy thirst, not surprising).  I couldn't run fast enough to my drops I left in the kitchen (why were they not on my nightstand?! UGH).  This wasn't the first time I had a "drinking night" since having LASIK done, but this was the first time I had a mixture of liquor and beer, so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it.

Either way, this was the first time my eyes felt the dehydration from my drinking, which I found kind of comical :)  I guess from now on I need to pound drops into my eyes like I should pound water before headed out for a night on the town ;)

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