Hi there!
Sorry for the lag time in between posts. I haven't had much of a change or "moment" since my last appointment that compelled me to write very much. However, last week I had another "cool" moment.
To celebrate two years of dating, I took John to a Red Sox game in Boston. About halfway through the game I had a moment where I realized that this was the first outdoor sporting event I attended where I was able to fully see. Normally with an outdoor event, my eyes would dry out due to my terrible contacts and ultimately create bad vision. I struggled to read scoreboards and see what was actually happening in front of me. This time was different. I could see crisply ... it was so cool! I had no trouble reading signs from far away (John and I played the "sign game" again) and my eyes were not dry. This was another moment where a person with regular vision would think of me as crazy, but to me, it was life changing.
John's gift to me was a surprise trip to NYC for the night to see Once on Broadway ... very cool and a great show! As I was sitting in the theatre, I had another "oh my God, I can see" moment. So many times I would go to theatre shows and concerts and have such a hard time seeing because of the lighting, dry contacts, etc. Just as I experienced during the Red Sox game a few days earlier, I was able to see in a whole new way. My eyes were not dry, I was able to see details on the set, and I could see facial features on the performers. I was also able to be amazed by Times Square as I experienced it for the first time during our walk back to the hotel (did you know that they leave the New Years' Ball up there all year long?!). I never realized how badly I was seeing with contacts until these very moments. I always knew that I had a better chance of seeing well at events if I wore my glasses, but I rarely went that route (so vain of me!).
I've realized more and more that the only time I experience a dry eye feeling in the morning is if I went out for a couple of drinks the night before, or if I didn't sleep a lot. After a few drops, I'm good to go. Another great feeling to note is that my eyes feel healthier and "free." I remember when I would take my contacts out, my eyes would seemingly breathe a sigh or relief because they were able to get some air and take a break. Now, my eyes feel adjusted and just great!
I had a minor freakout moment a week ago when an eyelash found its way onto my eye and I couldn't figure out how to get it off without touching my eye. After some very strategic attempts, I eventually just grabbed some eye drops and flushed it out and all was well.
Over the next two weekends, I am participating in a couple of mud runs. This weekend, I am running the Adventure 5k, and next weekend I am participating in Tough Mudder New England. I am not worried about the 5k, but for Mudder, I am going to grab a pair of goggles for the water and mud parts, as my eyes are still healing. I believe it takes them a good year to be fully healed, but the first 6 months are the most drastic. The last thing I want is to get some mud stuck in there and mess up my incredible progress (a lovely $4,000 mistake). There are parts of the course where ice water is mixed with other lovely ingredients that I heard can sting any open cuts ... I definitely don't want whatever that is to be touching my eyes! I did speak with one of the eye doctor assistants about this before having the surgery, and she said I will be fine as long as I stuck with some goggles. I am sure that's the least of my worries with a Tough Mudder!
My next appointment is still set for June. It is mind boggling for me to realize that I can see *better* now than when I was wearing contacts. Incredible!
Taking you through all the steps of thinking of, preparing for, and having LASIK eye surgery
I made the leap and decided to get LASIK eye surgery in 2012! This blog is meant for my friends, family, and others who are nervous or on the fence about having LASIK eye surgery done themselves and want to track my progress. I found that there was nothing better than hearing about and reading personal experiences from past LASIK patients when making my final decision. This is an honest account of my experience from pre-op to post-op. Feel free to share. I hope this helps those who are a little hesitant in taking the same leap that I did. Enjoy!
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