I had another moment last night where I remembered I was seeing without the help of contacts or glasses. I have these moments every now and then, and they are never any less exciting! It just kind of occurs to me and I have a "woah!" moment and look around at everything. I think this will continue for a long time, if not forever!
My sight is awesome. I have no complaints. My only "issue," and it really is a nonissue, happened last week when I was bridesmaid dress shopping with friends. We were at the bridal shop and it was a sea of white, white, and more, well, white. On top of that, the lights were super bright. We were shopping for 3+ hours (the bride shopped for her dress as well) and it really took a toll on my eyes. I started to get an "eye-ache" ... basically a headache in my eye. I just continued with my drops, figuring dryness might be a contributor, and took some ibuprofen when I got home ... no big deal!
What a difference a week makes, because I should have had a similar occurrence yesterday (with the whole "eye-ache" thing). I took my dog, Remmie, to play with some of his doggie friends at my friend's 100-acre plot up north (a dog's paradise). We finally got snow last week (first real snow fall of the winter ... seriously) and stayed outside for 3 hours. The snow was bright ... so much so, that we all got some color on our faces. I was surprised that I didn't have any sort of headache or eye pain after that, considering what happened at the bridal shop the week before. Pretty sweet!
I can't tell if my eyesight at night is getting better (light glare/starbursts), or if I am just so used to it now that I don't even notice it. Either way, it doesn't bother me anymore, so I don't really care what the answer is. I drove in the snow storm last week, at night, and was completely fine. It's not even a second thought to me anymore.
I am still fairly careful when I'm showering and washing my face. I am also not rubbing my eyes at all, however, I'm getting braver with lightly brushing away any residue from drops under and to the sides of my eyes. I still have to clean my eyelashes, as the drops leave a lovely film on them that seems almost impossible to get rid of. Not having the ability to rub my eyes has been easier than I originally thought. I have become pretty creative with ways to alleviate an itchy eye and get rid of "sleepies" in the morning. Overall, not a big deal at all!
My eyes are still a little dry, but only in the mornings. I rarely have to wake up in the middle of the night to put drops in. In fact, I never wake up because I have dry eyes ... I often just decide to put some drops in if I happen to randomly wake up. I still have my steroid drops and Restasis, as per the doctor's recommendation. I go for my one-month post-op appointment on Monday, the 12th, and I'm hoping I can stop with at least the steroid drops and *fingers crossed* start wearing mascara again!
I started working out again at CrossFit TUFF, and it is so great to not deal with my contacts shifting mid-workout and making my vision fuzzy. I'm all about consistency and planning, so it is great to know I can rely on my eyes to be consistently awesome!
I still can't believe I actually had LASIK done and have had tremendous results! Wohoo!
Taking you through all the steps of thinking of, preparing for, and having LASIK eye surgery
I made the leap and decided to get LASIK eye surgery in 2012! This blog is meant for my friends, family, and others who are nervous or on the fence about having LASIK eye surgery done themselves and want to track my progress. I found that there was nothing better than hearing about and reading personal experiences from past LASIK patients when making my final decision. This is an honest account of my experience from pre-op to post-op. Feel free to share. I hope this helps those who are a little hesitant in taking the same leap that I did. Enjoy!
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