
I made the leap and decided to get LASIK eye surgery in 2012! This blog is meant for my friends, family, and others who are nervous or on the fence about having LASIK eye surgery done themselves and want to track my progress. I found that there was nothing better than hearing about and reading personal experiences from past LASIK patients when making my final decision. This is an honest account of my experience from pre-op to post-op. Feel free to share. I hope this helps those who are a little hesitant in taking the same leap that I did. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Red

Happy Valentine's Day!

I think my eyes knew what day it was today, because they decided to go rogue and wear a little Valentine's Day Red (if that's not already a crayon color, it should be).

My eyes hurt significantly last night during my last round of drops and even more-so today.  They really hurt after I put the steroid drops in.  Hopefully I will be done taking those tomorrow after my appointment.  Today, I have these awesomely angry red lines on the tops of my eyes (more the right than the left) and they feel SO irritated, but again, can't rub them.  They are pissed.  Not sure why, because they aren't single on Valentine's Day (thankfully!) ;)

Last night I also had to make friends with Mr. Icepack again (can't leave him hanging), because my eyes felt swollen.  It was mainly under my eyes and parts of my upper cheeks.  I bet this had something to do with the constant staring at a computer screen while at work.  I still feel a little puffy and I'm sure I will need to visit with him again tonight!

Otherwise, vision is pretty great!  I am hoping my eyes chill out a little bit today.  I'd even settle for a lighter shade of red ;)

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