
I made the leap and decided to get LASIK eye surgery in 2012! This blog is meant for my friends, family, and others who are nervous or on the fence about having LASIK eye surgery done themselves and want to track my progress. I found that there was nothing better than hearing about and reading personal experiences from past LASIK patients when making my final decision. This is an honest account of my experience from pre-op to post-op. Feel free to share. I hope this helps those who are a little hesitant in taking the same leap that I did. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"You're a True Disciple for This"

Hey there!

Last Monday, I had my one-month post-op appointment!  I meant to update this sooner, however, I have been very busy over the last week!

Everything went really well!  My vision has remained stable since my last appointment.  I can still read parts of the 20/15 line, so they consider that 20/20+.  Dr. D. is still amazed that I have had virtually no complications or setbacks, despite having such horrible vision before.  I think he was expecting there to have been some regression, and begin talking about some "touch-ups" (not uncommon), but I was good to go!

Dr. D. told me I am a "true disciple" for LASIK, and to continue spreading my experience to others.  He mentioned that there are many people out there trying to stop LASIK procedures in the US (mainly because of the bad seeds out there who jump to perform the procedure on people who may be considered 'high risk').  Those individuals (and somewhat rightfully so) had horrible experiences and clearly want to shut the whole operation down.  There are definite risks with LASIK eye surgery, as with any surgery, and it is important to "shop around" when looking for the right doctor.  I chose Nashua Eye Associates because they have been familiar with my case since I was seven years old.  They have been my primary eye doctor for virtually 20 years ... it was a no-brainer.  Also, they don't rely on LASIK corrective procedures to stay afloat.  They are eye doctors first, and offer refractive surgeries as a side-gig, almost.  They recognize the awesomeness that is LASIK and want to share the experience with others, like myself, who long for decent-to-perfect vision without aid.  There are businesses out there (and yes, they are businesses) who are solely out there to perform LASIK procedures.  That isn't a terrible thing, however, I've heard horror stories about individuals walking in, being instantly approved, second-guessing themselves, and visiting another doctor who ultimately refused to perform the surgery because the individual's corneas were too thin (a disaster for LASIK).  The long and short of it is, do your research, and do it well.  These are your eyes.  You don't have a spare hanging around in the wings if something goes wrong.  I contacted many LASIK offices, talked to individuals who have had personal experiences, read reviews, literature ... basically, I exhausted all areas to make sure I was making the right decision, and I believe I nailed it.

I was cleared to stop taking the steroid drops, and my eyelashes are so happy with that decision, I can tell!  I no longer have the filmy look on my eyelashes, which sometimes caused a fog in my vision.  Now, I can truly "see" how I am supposed to be seeing ... it's incredible!  Last Sunday was the first time I woke up without dry eyes!!!  What a cool feeling to experience after weeks of feeling as though I slept with my contacts in.  I woke up, felt comfortable, and most importantly, could SEE!  And really well!  I am still continuing with my Restasis drops, since Dr. D. explained to me that my eyes are still healing, and the best way to help them heal is to keep them moist.  He said, even if I feel like my eyes are fine, I still need to keep with the Restasis drops.  There have been a few mornings where the dry eye feeling has returned, but it is usually when I haven't had a lot of sleep (or haven't hydrated myself very well the day before).  Another awesome part of the appointment?  I was finally cleared to wear makeup again! AMEN!

I went away for the weekend with John for St. Patrick's Day; the first time since having the surgery.  As I was packing, I felt as though I was forgetting to pack something that I knew I needed.  It was a nagging feeling!  As I was driving, I realized what it was: my contacts, cases, solution, and glasses!  Of course, I didn't need them, but I've never left home without those essentials before, so it was a really cool experience to figure out what it was I "forgot" and realizing I didn't need them anymore!  I am going away to Virginia this coming weekend, and can't wait to not pack my contacts again!

Basically, my eyesight kicks butt, and my recovery has been incredible.  I couldn't be happier.  I go back to visit Dr. D. in June for my 3-month post-op and will post around then, unless anything crazy happens in between!

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